Bentworth High School

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Secondary Testing

Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test (P.S.A.T.)

The Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test (P.S.A.T) is a multiple-choice examination which measures verbal skills, critical reading, writing skills, and mathematical abilities important for academic performance in college. The questions test ability to reason with facts and concepts rather than to recall or recite them. The P.S.A.T. test serves as a useful practice test for the Scholastic Aptitude Test (S.A.T.) Calculators are permitted.

The P.S.A.T. serves as the National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test for juniors competing nationally or recognition, awards, and scholarships.

High school juniors usually take the P.S.A.T. Sophomores may elect to take the test as practice; however, their scores are not applicable to the National Merit Scholastic Qualifying Test.

Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT)

The Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT I) measures verbal and mathematical abilities. Additionally, a 30-minute Test of Standard Written English (T.S.W.E.) is administered to all students.

The SAT I, or "new SAT" takes three hours to complete. Students are permitted to use calculators.

The verbal section includes analogies, sentence completion, and critical reading.

The math section follows three formats: multiple choice, quantitative comparison, and a "provide your own answer" section.

The SAT II test is an achievement test that covers 18 areas, such as writing, language, world history, math, etc. Some schools require the SAT II test; however, this varies depending on the college/university.

The Scholastic Aptitude Test can be taken by any student, but it is recommended for juniors and seniors. Student scores are reported to the student, the high school, and colleges of the students choice. The SAT is required by most colleges and universities and requested on many scholarship applications. Students may register on line at:

Students may obtain I.D. for taking the SAT tests in the Guidance Office.

American College Test (A.C.T.)

The American College Test (A.C.T.) measures a student's ability in the subject areas of English, Mathematics, Social Studies and Natural Sciences. A.C.T. scores are reported on a standard scale that ranges from one to 36. The average score on the four subtests is the composite score. Individual Student Profile Reports are sent directly to the students. Any student may take the A.C.T. test, but it is recommended for seniors.

Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) (Free of charge)

This exam, which is administered by the Armed Services on an annual basis, is designed to measure a student's verbal and mathematical ability. Results are reported as "percentile scores," based on a national sample of students.